Beyond One Semester
These are list of some resources to go beyond. These topics are outside the scope of one semester and might take a lot of time to even get comfortable.
Data structures and Algorithms
- CSES Handbook
- Neetcode's roadmap
- Primeagen's free course on algorithms
- Algorithms in a Nutshell by George T Heineman
- CSES problem set
Extended Web Dev
- Holy grail of MDN docs
- Freecodecamp's php handbook
- 8 hour laravel course by Laracasts
- Flask video series by Corey Schafer
- Django video series by Corey Schafer
- Fastapi video by Bitfumes
Deeper Into Networks
- Beej's Guide to Networking Concepts
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- Profressor Messer's youtube channel
Functional Programming
- Learn you a haskell
- Haskell for Imperative Programmers Playlist by Phillip Hagenlocher
Graphics Libraries
- Raylib Cheatsheet
- Raylib Introductory Course
- Pygame Course by Clear Code
- SFML and C++ Course by Mustafa Sibai
- Handmade Hero by Casey Muratori
- SDL2 with CPP RPG game by codergopher
Good From Scratch Projects
- Building bitcoin in rust by Lukas Hozda
- Writing Interpreter in Go by Thorsten Ball
- Build your own text editor by snaptoken
- Build your own redis by James Smith
- Write a shell in C by Stephen Brennan